Spring Community Eco-Cruises are scheduled (departing from the Ithaca Farmers Market dock):
- May 16 - "Water Week" Celebration! Join us for a survey of spring conditions- water temperature and quality, early season plankton populations and plant densities. Hands-on fun for all ages! 11:00 am & 1:00pm departures.
- May 23 - Cornell's Student Engineers will launch Tachyon, a brand new, student-designed and built, mini-sub from the deck of the Haendel. Video footage of what's down there! 2:00pm - 4:00pm.
- June 13 - "Spring on Cayuga" family art & science cruise. 2:00-4:00pm
- June 26 (Juneteenth) - details soon!
- June 27 - Citizen Lake Monitoring Cruise with Community Science Institute! Learn about volunteer monitoring opportunities in the Ithaca area, and the 4H youth group, "4H2O". Three hour cruise, 2:00-5:00pm.
- July 11 - Our regular Sunday afternoon Community Eco-Cruise schedule begins (running through October). All cruises 4:00pm - 6:00pm, unless otherwise noted.
- Stay tuned for details on our NEW Thursday afternoon eco-cruise program!
The "Community Eco-Cruise" mission is to provide lake access and education opportunities for everyone. These eco-cruises are family-friendly, but are intended to enhance adult, as well as youth, understanding of our lake system.
Program Fees: The Floating Classroom is supported by local organizations and individuals. In order to stretch that support as far as it can go, we are introducing eco-cruise fees this year. We hope you will consider them to be an investment in our community-supported program.
One Hour Eco-Cruise: $12 Adult, $10 Senior, $5 Child (5-12 yrs)
Two-Hour Eco-Cruise: $18 Adult, $16 Senior, $12 Child
Special Events may be free.
Free/Reduced Price Vouchers: Our mission is to serve EVERYONE, regardless of ability to pay. Cruise vouchers are available this year thru neighborhood organizations. Contact floatingclassroom@cayugawatershed.org, or call (607) 697-0166 for information.
Donations: Donations are always accepted, and will help make it possible for more people to enjoy and learn about our lake! Ask any crew member how you can make a donation, or contact us via Email.
Look for a complete schedule of public programs on the lake soon!
It's Your Lake - Get to Know It!