Trip Reports & On-Line Citizen Science

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Friday, October 29, 2010


Sunday, October 31 - Intrepid lake enthusiasts, braving the elements for our last eco-cruise of the year, got a chance to view the remains of this mysterious creature, pulled up by students recently from the south end of Cayuga Lake. (Pictured to the right.) The jury is out, as to its origin or authenticity, but observers agreed, it matches the description of the fabled "Mays Point Mystery Fish", often sighted at the north end of our lake. FC crew plans to conduct research over the winter... our findings will be reviewed in 2011!

Lake Conditions were windy and raw, but a brief sampling stop on Sunday reviewed water temperatures hovering just above 50 deg. F. and clarity diminishing (from 7M on Friday to just over 4M on Sunday). Reduced clarity may be an indicator that Fall Turnover is beginning. We also continued to observe a very dense growth of plankton- primarily the diatoms fragillaria and asterionella- at depth below 10M.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mid-October on the Lake

Thanks to everyone who came out on October 10! Thanks also to Joe Simonis from Nelson Hairston's lab at Cornell, who came out to help identify plankton! We'll post a more complete update soon, but suffice to say, fall is progressing on the lake- and the most remarkable aspect is the clearing of the water.

This past Sunday, we observed 8.5 meter Secchi clarity- which corresponds to light penetrating roughly 25 meters into the lake- that's nearly 80 feet! At that depth, the water is not cooling off particularly rapidly, and we may yet witness a deep-water algae bloom this fall, now that sunlight is penetrating to depths where nutrients have been building up all summer.

We'll see how are fall bloom progresses, but in the meantime, enjoy our chrystal-clear lake!